« Day 68: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Main | From Canada to Cameroon »

Day 69: New Glasgow to Port Hastings

If we happen to be near a television when we wake up, the first thing that we do is switch it over the weather channel. Quite often, the weather forecasts are vague, calling for scattered showers or something and it's the satellite maps and pressure system diagrams that are more useful. When you're cycling over 100 kilometres a day, the weather can vary quite a bit, especially in the maritimes.

We started at about 7:30 am today and the satellite maps indicated that we would be catching the fringe of Hurricane Ernesto. A light drizzle started coming down at about 11 am and continued until we got into Port Hastings at about 3 pm. There are rolling hills the entire way and the climbs were pretty gradual. On some of the higher hills, there was a spectacular view of the coastline.

Before entering Port Hastings, you have to cross the Canso Causeway, which is a long narrow 2-lane road that connects Cape Breton Island to the rest of Nova Scotia. The shoulder leading up to the causeway is almost non-existant and once we were on the causeway itself, we kept on getting forced off the road by passing tractor trailers. A note for future cyclists, I would suggest shifting down into a lower gear and simply riding on the gravel shoulder instead, if possible. If you find the gravel is too deep and the causeway is busy, consider walking your bike across for safety's sake.

After arriving in Port Hastings we headed for the tourist information centre so that I could ask about a strange section of the road near North Sydney. The road looks like it loops back on itself and the woman at the centre indicated that it's a very steep section of road. A month or two ago, I would have dreaded the climb, but the legs are used to the tough climbs and long days so it shouldn't be too bad.

Only a few more days until St. John's. It's about 160 km to North Sydney tomorrow, where we will be staying at a bed and breakfast across the street from the ferry terminal. We figured it would be a good choice because we have to be in the port at 6 am on Wednesday morning to catch the ferry to Argentia, Newfoundland.

I've had Sarah McLachlin's Ice Cream stuck in my head all day. And the music from City of Angels, which I watched it last night and subsequently found myself missing Jenny more than ever. I think it gets more difficult when I pass through some beautiful areas or quaint little towns and I wish that she were there to share the experience with me. Throughout the trip, I've been making mental notes of places to visit and explore in the future.

I've been trying not to get too anxious on the road, because we are so close to the end and I can barely stand watching the odometer slowly count each meter that we cycle each day. I have mixed feelings about the trip coming to an end on Thursday. On the one hand, it will be good to have completed this cross-Canada adventure, but on the other, I'll miss the freedom of simply spending each day biking and seeing the country. In the future, I would love to be able to re-do the Toronto to Quebec City section, because it's such a beautiful and relatively flat route. Any takers out there?

It's time to get ready for bed and we'll have more for you from North Sydney.


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