« Day 69: New Glasgow to Port Hastings | Main | Racing to the finish line »

From Canada to Cameroon

I received an email from Marinus, who I connected with through a summer seminar at Chapman University last year. I thought I would share it here:

Hey Jason,

This is Marinus, writing from Cameroon in West Africa. Just want you to know I am very pleased with the sacrifices you and your friend are making to fight this deathly pandemic, especially in the heart of the African continent. I cannot help you financially, but I can support the cause, by dedicating an article in our monthly youth reproductive health magazine to the cause. ... Our print run is 10.000 copies and is distributed in west and central Africa. I hope this can help reach out to as many people as possible. While hoping to hear from you, I remain your friend in the fight. Do have a great day.


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